Saturday, October 09, 2004

Saturday Morning Greens

Just feel icky this morning, but not quite blue. So I'm going to refer to my emotional state as green because I'm sure that I'll eventually feel blue on a saturday. And, then what?! The world could come crashing to it's knees, the National Forests of the world would combust, the Y2K virus would finally hit after sneakily waiting a few extra years, and Taco Bell would raise their prices.(Nooooo!!!!)

So, why do I feel like someone just kicked me in the stomach with a spiked shoe? Maybe because it's 11:30 and I still haven't made breakfast. My Journal should feel proud of it's self... I've only sent one e-mail, and one private message to someone on a forum I visit before heading here and getting to work. I wanted to post a poem that's been in my head for over a week, but I just can't! The picture that inspired me to think it is at a friends house so I might do that later today. I have a major paper and three other papers due monday that I really haven't started on. This could have something to do with the undue amount of stress. So maybe I should get cracking on that so I don't fail this easy class. I've also got to study horribly for two of my psychology classes which I should never have slacked off on. Normally I need 4 days tops to study for a test and make an A, but I know I didn't make an A on my last Abnormal Psychology test so I will start studying monday and begin reading the chapters twice before the test. I need A's this semester because I can't survive another year with no help from the Life scholarship or the loans will kill me when I get out.


Blogger Tota said...

You don't allow anonymous comments? Thats not very nice. Some one might want to say something without people knowing who it is. Anyway, I've had the morning greens many times, didn't know that was what they're called but yeah. Breakfast is normally a good thing, though more often than not I find myself rushing around to fast to get anything to eat. I enjoyed your story about Heaven, show me the rest of it some time?

5:27 PM  
Blogger Goddamn Batman said...

Haven't finished Heaven's Path... I have the story in my head though.

3:56 PM  

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