Monday, February 14, 2005

Mr. Rippy!

Fuck my gut has started hurting because of all the stress. My job, school, lack of a love life. I just can't deal with this shit anymore and I'm so very tired of trying. Mind telling my why I still bother caring for this messeed up little piece of hell I call my life? Homework is due... paper is wrecked... I'm dropping classes just to stay afloat. I'm a lazy jackass and I need to straighten things out. Why am I sitting here bitching about my broken life to a bunch of strangers, and Tota when I could be standing up and taking it by the horns? It's because I'm scared! Is this it? Is this really the best that life can offer? Fuck this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tears are burning at the corners of my eyes and liquid cooling so fast on my cheeks take my breath away. Once again I put up a blog that is so emo that it pisses me off. See normally I can stand up and don't feel bad. This morning I felt great... right now I feel like my heart is flopping around on the ground gasping for air. I need more than this. Where is my storybook ending? Am I really just the supporting character that nothing good ever happens to but no one cares because he's just a supporting character with one line. "Life sure has been miserable lately" It sure has one line Stan. Not that any one cares about you. Maybe your life gets better for you behind the scenes or maybe you kill yourself and no one cares. Fuck this shit! I just want to see the mountains one more time before I die. Then I'll be happy.


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