Monday, April 21, 2008

Retcon Revolution

I've never managed to keep the promise to myself that I would use this blog for only stories and poems. And, it looks like nobody comes here anymore anyway so this is just as well. I'm going to start pimping my own stuff and talking about things that are important to me. Also I want to start putting out the stories and poems like I keep promising myself that I will. I feel extra motivated these last couple of days so it is likely that I will be able to keep this up for a good month. Hopefully longer than that. The only time that I kept up with everything I said I would keep up on was when I took a vow of silence. Sadly this is impractical if I'm going to find a job I have to be able to use my voice which is one of the few gifts that I'm proud of. If anything I use my voice too much and a vow of silence would be good for me. And, yeah it is all or nothing. If I try to cut down on my talking it just makes me want to talk more. Like an alcoholic saying oh I'll just start cutting back and then finding themselves face first in their own vomit, wedged between the dumpsters at an Arby's.

Well here are my resolutions!

1. Retcon Revolution: I'm starting up a review site for geekdoms, I wouldn't mind the help of other geeks in different fields of geekiness. I hope to one day make this site the launching point of several webcomics, novels, movies, comic books... who knows the future is limitless.

2. Get a Job: I'm going to be getting a job. I'm not exactly sure where but I'm putting out applications all over the place. I'm hoping to get a job at Park Seed. A book store or a movie theater would be great to. The only places I've been reluctant to go is restaurants.

3. Exercise: I'm going to start working out again, you know so I can fit into that bikini like in that Special K commercial.

4. Writing: I blame a lot of my own laziness on Mark because he is lazier than me when it comes to the art aspect of a lot of our projects. I'm going to start putting together scripts regardless and write at least 3 pages a day of other things. And, I'll need someone to tazer me if I don't get this done.


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