Thursday, February 08, 2007

Aqua Teen Hunger Force- BOMBS!!!

What in God's green earth is going on with people? I can understand how a police officer might think that a piece of hardware under a bridge might be a bomb. And, when the bomb squad is called in they have a policy of always assuming the gun is loaded. But, when you find one of these things in a... comic book store and the owner himself says "it's a promotion for a movie". That would be the obvious time to haul in those horses of yours and stop being dicks.

But, no! Then I have to hear the media bringing this crap up for an entire week about how the promotion "preyed on our post 9-11 fears" What the fuck?! It wasn't a plane crashing into a building or someone making those kinds of theats. Then I would be all "not again!". Instead it was a freaking lite-brite! I played with those when I was a kid. The media should be ashamed of themselves sitting up on their high and mighty horses and condemning people with no forethought into how much Cap'n Jack's Goodtime Dicksuckery they are doing. The media is mostly to blame for the fiasco that happened in Boston anyway with their War of the Worlds mentality and again NO FORSIGHT! The people who covered this Boston story should have their licenses taken away! They used the power that they had that they are supposed to use to inform us to sow chaos if for no other reason to boost ratings.

Someone actually says, boy the media dropped the ball on this one and this was in no way a terrorist act. It was a promotion... a legal promotion. And, then I have to hear some asshat on FOX news say and I flip my fingers in funny ways denoting that I'm quoting when I say this. "No one thought airliners could be used as bombs either." :-O WHAT?!! YES! YES I DID!!! YOU STUPID LITTLE SHIT WITH A FUCKING MESSED UP FACE. Anyone with the tiniest bit of brain matter knew that an airliner could be used as a bomb. It stands to reason that anything loaded with explosive fluids and that could slam into things really hard could be used as a bomb. It literally hurts me to try and think how this guy could think the way that he thinks. Literally causes me pain to hear someone say something that stupid! GAH!


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