Monday, March 16, 2009


Someone asked me why men are so complicated. Because women are simple and men make no sense. I said this:

Men are not quantifiable equations. There is no (a+b)/c=x. Just like women they have so many multilayered facets that they can't be 'got' with the stroke of a key. So, I'm not going to try and explain how men work. Or, how women work. There is no simple formula. And, obviously women want more than to just be the THE. Nothing in life is that simple. And, while you do have guys and gals that are one dimensional, these are not a majority. More like an twisted reflection of what society says we are supposed to be like. There are so many different kinds of men, and so many kinds of women. We like to fit things into easy to understand archetypes.

It would make since that if we turned on a faucet and hot water came out, a second later peanut butter would not spew forth. That is what it feels like when I try to understand women. If you can tell me why women are attracted to guys who treat them poorly. I'll tell you why guys are neurotic messes. The answer to both being... how do you show someone you care when you have to treat them like crap to get them to notice you?

The first thing anyone has to realize. Is that the saying is true. There are no rules in love and in war. People think there are rules. Men and women feel like the other side is breaking the rules. I tell you this, neither side knows how badly they are messing up in the eyes of the opposite sex. I'm not trying to defend men nor damn them. Both sides are caught in a war without rules under the distinct impression that there is something to figure out. The over all answer to all over questions. The real meat of it is: I don't know.


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