Thursday, November 04, 2004

Last Stand

I've been finding my self falling in love with the defiant last stand of tragic heroes. I think this has something to do with the way of death that I was talking to Maxie about a few weeks ago. Knowing that death is coming... Dying for someething that you believe in. That's the kind of death that I want to have. To give an example of a defiant last stand I'll paint you a picture...

A hawk with brown feathers tipped with crimon flies with the wind, and the golden thermals of heat coming up from the mountains below cradle him aloft. His vision focuses on a movement more than a mile below him. The clouds part in the wake of his vicously curved maw, and his wings tuck closely to make him a living missle. He streakes through the air faster than sight can followl; the ground rushing up to greet him. He spreads his wings and opens his razor sharp talons in front of him. The mouse sees this at the last moment... death approaching him faster than lightning. He doesn't cower or tremble. Running would be useless now. Instead he raises his paw steady as a mountain's roots and extends his middle finger.

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Little Fender Bender

Was driving my dad's car and had come to a stop to make a left turn when this idiot rear ends me. Wham! Bam! Thank you Madam! This all happened yesterday I feel worthless because I didn't do anything else that I had planned on doing yesterday because my back felt all achey. And, and I didn't get my daily list done for yesterday. Just so all of my fans know... I'm feeling alright. Right now I'm about to go do some chores around the house and I need to read some more school books. I was hoping that Maxie would get on because I've gone a couple of days without speaking to her, and as long as my appointment at the back place doen't last that long I should be on around three. If all goes well I'll have some interesting political stories from going to the polls today and running the board for a live broadcast of the elections. Get out there and Vote... or just TP your nearest Walmart.