Monday, May 12, 2008

Stairway Upwards

I look up at the open sky
I reach up but then miss
The clouds are so high
Even in the sun's bliss

Farther I stretch upward
Holding my hands to stars
To be with my reward
Up in heavenly lairs

Gentle rain falls down
Touching my new face
Water from father's crown
Lets me increase my pace

Still my place so very far
Out of reach to my arms
I've grown to meet the air
The golden sun warms

Do you look up to me now
Jealous of the sky holding
To reach me, make a vow
Like my tall body folding

I bend and sway slowly
To foreign rhythm in soil
Dark wonders hold me
Higher and higher I toil

My legs now are strong
They are limber yet stout
Harder to dance to song
Still as heaven I mount

Yet the higher I reach
The more I am bound
To the angels I beseech
Search for me to be found

Sunday, May 04, 2008

Free Comic Book Day

I hope you had a chance to go to free comic book day on Saturday. It was a lot of fun and I got to snag me some comic books. If you were at Richard's Comics and Collectibles... I might have seen you there. I got to meet Little Zee for the first time there. She was just like I thought she would be... I really consider her to be one of my best friends even though we have only met this one time. We've been planning to hang out for a while... probably more next year than this year. Spider-Man was there... and a stormtrooper. I didn't bring a lightsaber or they would have been in real trouble. There were some comics missing from my folder... it made me sad (not really) I've got tons of comic books to read right now. But, I'm still going to be going back there pretty soon.

On a bad note... my driver's license seems to have expired on me O_O! I need to get this handled... hopefully I won't need to take another driving test. Well, that's all I've got to say right now... I'm going to rate all the new comics I got on Retcon Revolution... so follow the link to your right if you want to know.

Friday, May 02, 2008

The Girl Next Door

She doesn't know I dream of her
Heart beating from it's very core
Bashful glances from a distance
Anything for just a chance
Secretly Beautiful

She doesn't think they notice
A word from her would suffice
Everyone wishes they could
Patiently I wait and I would
Secretly Beautiful

Hold her if only to comfort
So she stands and I support
Cradle made of my arms
To keep you from harm
Secretly Beautiful

You are the void in my chest
Make me think I can be best
Don't you know what you do
All I would do just for you
Secretly Beautiful

You really are my only comfort
Only thing keeping away hurt
For you to hold my hand
One last time I'll try to stand
Secretly Beautiful

Thursday, May 01, 2008

Sanctuary: Zee Introduction part 1

Standing atop the huge rock foundation Zee looked down at all of the people below her. The world looked different from this high up but she saw everything now. The men carried guns and blades, and they had followed her back to her home. She wasn't in the mood to play around any longer. Wind whipped through her long tangled hair sending it swirling up in a halo of firey reds. She smiled but not the happy beautiful smile that usually graced her face. This smile was filled with venom and it was all directed at the men who stood, unaware, below her.

"I've lost everything and now you've come to take away more. There is nothing left here but my hatred. You can have it!"

She leapt from the rocks far above the group of men. Her words were carried away on the wind. Her hair was whipping in the same wind trailing her like long beautiful ribbons. She thought of blood and the world tensed around her. Using the powers unlocked by the elders she stepped outside of time. She slipped just to the left of all things. Everything slowed down as she fell, twisting to land on her feet, amongst the monsters who had killed her brother. They slowly turned to see what had impacted the sand. Their actions were all in slow motion. Zee watched their faces as they drew their weapons. She waited for them to become ready but her patience soon broke. She plunged her fist into the chest of the nearest man and he fell back hard through the air. His rib cage was collapsed and blood ran from his open mouth. The fight woud be over before his dying form could hit the sand at her feet.

She moved again, a streak of pale skin and red hair. Men fell with their throats crushed and their bones broken. Most of the men were dying and falling through the air as the few remaining men's expressions changed from the stern look of one entering ernest combat, and to that of one falling off a cliff. When there was only one man left she let her time suppression grip go for a moment. All the bodies fell sending up a plume of sand from the impact.

"Please please... don't"

"You only get one chance. Take up their bodies and leave. Never come back, or I will destroy you. I will make you feel such pain and there is nothing you can do to stop me!"

Zee walked up across the beach, stepping over the moaning bodies of the fallen. She intentionally walked past the last standing man. Now he was frozen by fear instad of the time slip that Zee had just now began to master. She knew what she must do. She had to find the chosen one because the path of a sword bearer was long and lonely. She had only taken the first step. Before she could go she had to bury the bodies of her people and search out the last of the Kreesh. She would gouge them out like a cancer. Before she would leave the place of her birth for a second time she would leave it empty of the blood drinkers.