Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Heaven's Home part 2

The emblem of a sun cast in gold shown from the shields and helms of each horseman. Though their faces were unshaven and their odor harsh to the senses; their blades were well kept. They drew out their swords as they rode into the trading village, shouting at townsmen who didn't scurry out of the way fast enough for their liking. Their blades were frightening, shining in the sun so brightly that the swords seemed to burst into flame. The men shouted in a foreign tongue and halted their horses. One man among them spoke up loudly and in a recognizable language.

"Our king, the Sun God, Rorrick has sent us here from across the sea. We are the steel riders of Westridge! There is a girl who has come to this village very recently. Bring her to us now and spare us the trouble of tearing this place apart."

The villagers stood frozen watching the riders with fearful eyes as they murmured to each other. The rider who had spoken with the mark of a golden sun on his helm bellowed once again.

"Hear me! Be quick about this and the man who brings her to me will be given gold. If you tarry I will spill enough blood to quench the desert's thirst!"

Men and women alike scattered at the rider's words. They went to hide in their homes, those who were especially greedy or especially fearful went in look of the woman who had come recently to their village. The market area which had been very crowded a moment before was now occupied only by the steel riders and one man who leaned casually against a wooden post.

"Did you not hear me scum or do you wish to experience a blade forged in the Sun God's furnaces! No weapon on this earth is it's equal."

"Is that right?"

The rider grunted.

"I'll challenge your blade against mine but if my blade beats yours, you will leave this village until the sun rises once more in the sky."

The rider laughed and sat proud on his steed. The gold on his helmet shown brightly and his fingers tapped against the jeweled pommel of his sword. "It has been over a week since I have had the opportunity to spill blood in a proper fight."

"So you agree to duel me? Agree to the terms?"

"I agree to the terms. This will not be a duel, nay it will be slaughter! I have fought in the fiery arena of my god king! Draw your blade or beg now for your life."

The man pulled aside the thin dirty jacket to reveal a curved black hilt sticking out of a leather sheathe barely big enough for a dagger. The riders leaned forward with confused expressions on their faces. The man pulled forth a metal contraption that was rounded and at the end came, instead of a point, a hole. All of the riders began laughing at the small contraption. Their laughter would have drowned out their angry shouts from before a hundred fold.

The rider that spoke for them all bellowed at the man. "What do you call that?"

"It's called a gun, a sword of thunder. Are you backing out of our duel?"

The rider chuckled. "No, you might think killing a fool will turn the taste of victory to ashes, but blood is blood."

The rider leapt from his horse and drew his sword all in one smooth liquid motion. He swung the sword around him in a brilliant display of mastery. The sword shown with power as it reflected the light of the sun until it's possessor became nothing but twilight and flame. The man with the gun leaned back against the post holding up a hand to shield his eyes from the brightness of his opponent's display. As it began in a flash it ended just as quickly and the rider charged forward his brightly burning sword leading the way.

An explosion of thunder and swords clashing together filled the air. The rider stumbled and fell, clutching at his leg which was now bloodied.

"How? You didn't move!"

"My blade has deceptive reach. Do you yield?"

"I'll yield."

"Thank you. I thought this was going to end up messy and I'd end up having to clean it up."

"I'll yield when your blood is warmed in a tub for my bath!"

"That would be really messy."

The sound of thunder and swords crossing filled the air once again. This time the rider fell and did not move. His sword lay at his side, still ablaze in the fires of the sun, and splattered with the blood of it's former master.

The gunman turned his back on the riders and sheathed his sword of thunder. "Take your man. I'll be seeing you tomorrow."

He didn't know if they understood him but they dragged the rider onto his horse and left the way they had came. A whirling cloud of dust and sand left through the desert and after a while disappeared from sight.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Song of Dreams

There was music in my dream
Opening eyes break the stream
The sudden silence as I awake
Wishing the song I could take

There was your face in my dream
For a moment it really did seem
Turned to shadow in morning light
You had been beside me that night

I want to draw your face here
Neither art nor photo shows how dear
So that my poem will be beautiful
As you are when the music is pitiful

Your face was the music in my head
Dancing synapses as I lie in bed
I wish to hear that magical tune
To be hearing your voice again soon

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Job Interviews

Well, I haven't been as good to myself as I promised I would be but I do have a job interview to go to tommorow. And, then also a job fair to go to if things don't go well at the interview. I forgot to print out any resumes thought. I really need to make more proper lists in my little notebook though the lists I have made make things a lot easier. I really should be off to bed but I promised my self I would write more both here and every where. More stories and more scripts for webcomics and comic books. Even though there are new Doctor Who episodes on the internet that beg me to watch them... I must bid you fairwell. For tommorow is a busy day and I am very tired. Maybe tommorow I'll tell you a story or sing you a poem. Goodnight.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Retcon Revolution

I've never managed to keep the promise to myself that I would use this blog for only stories and poems. And, it looks like nobody comes here anymore anyway so this is just as well. I'm going to start pimping my own stuff and talking about things that are important to me. Also I want to start putting out the stories and poems like I keep promising myself that I will. I feel extra motivated these last couple of days so it is likely that I will be able to keep this up for a good month. Hopefully longer than that. The only time that I kept up with everything I said I would keep up on was when I took a vow of silence. Sadly this is impractical if I'm going to find a job I have to be able to use my voice which is one of the few gifts that I'm proud of. If anything I use my voice too much and a vow of silence would be good for me. And, yeah it is all or nothing. If I try to cut down on my talking it just makes me want to talk more. Like an alcoholic saying oh I'll just start cutting back and then finding themselves face first in their own vomit, wedged between the dumpsters at an Arby's.

Well here are my resolutions!

1. Retcon Revolution: I'm starting up a review site for geekdoms, I wouldn't mind the help of other geeks in different fields of geekiness. I hope to one day make this site the launching point of several webcomics, novels, movies, comic books... who knows the future is limitless.

2. Get a Job: I'm going to be getting a job. I'm not exactly sure where but I'm putting out applications all over the place. I'm hoping to get a job at Park Seed. A book store or a movie theater would be great to. The only places I've been reluctant to go is restaurants.

3. Exercise: I'm going to start working out again, you know so I can fit into that bikini like in that Special K commercial.

4. Writing: I blame a lot of my own laziness on Mark because he is lazier than me when it comes to the art aspect of a lot of our projects. I'm going to start putting together scripts regardless and write at least 3 pages a day of other things. And, I'll need someone to tazer me if I don't get this done.