Long ago the Ancients colonized Sanctuary with the permission, and support of several immortal Elven. There was a long period of peace and life sprung up from Sanctuary's fertile soil, and the Ancients cultivated the potential power that lay latent inside of the planet, and gave life to the world around them supplying this earth with a beginning supply of life energy. The Ancients created more plant life to give the planet acontinuess supply of life giving energy. But, the Dark Lords sensed this life energy, and this new energy pained them to great extents. The Dark lords where unable to know where this pain was until the appearance of man, and the first dark places to appear in their hearts. With this, the Dark lords where able to open a skew dimension between their world, and the Ancients.
When the Dark Ones first came to this dimension there was destruction and great battles, none of the original protectors of earth survived. While the Dark ones controlled this skew dimension between this planet and the shadow realm a battle was fought between good and evil and many powerful creatures lost their lives in the battlegrounds separating earth from the other dimensional planes. The Ancients pooled their collected powers into one weapon a mystical sword called Barrlaba. This sword was given to a warrior spirit from the Otherworld, and the power of the sword was able to overcome even the greatest Dark lords strength. The higher Dark lords and their minions where sent back to the shadow realm and the Ancients decided to seal Sanctuary from the other galactic planes. The Dark lords needed Sanctuary as a strategic foothold to open up gateways to the rest of the Multiverse. The Dark ones where forever banished, but they still found ways to work on earth through the hidden evil in human souls.
The Ancients realized that the Dark ones would try again and again until Sanctuary, and ultimately the Multiverse would be theirs. The Ancients choose seven of the greatest warrior's spirits from the Otherworld, and allowed them the power of rebirth. When ever the Dark one's presence was sensed these warriors would be born to fight off the threat. Powers where granted to these noble souls, and the spirit that had saved earth once before was granted the great sword Barrlaba.
Hundreds of years of past without the Dark ones even knocking at the interdimensional doorway. The Ancients became bored as most greater beings sometimes do, and wanted to leave so they could go create a new world. On this earth it seemed that all were safe and the Ancients left leaving only a trace of their power in the magical sword they left behind.
The Ancients where wrong. How this came about not even the Ancients themselves know, but somehow they assumed earth to be safe, and left it unprotected. Maybe the Dark ones contorted the future to make the Ancients leave, or maybe used their magic to twist the Ancients' will. The Ancient's famous knowledge and clairvoyance did not seem to change their decision to leave earth nearly unguarded. When the Ancients left they closed off earth even to themselves. This barrier should have kept the inhabitants of Sanctuary safe. The Dark Ones attacked the barrier for years, but could not break through. Until their first worshipper came.
Linking them selves to a selfish, evil, and power hungry man they where able to use him to spread hate, and sin wherever he went. And, his travels took him all over the world.
After several thousand years the Dark ones where able to spread their influence a hundred fold. They had a following of a few hundred that seemed normal, but their souls where entrenched with the workings of the Dark ones. These people seemed talented sometimes powerful, but always hated, and envied for their talents. These people always had one goal, to make others hate. Most would stick to petty games forcing friend against friend or just destroying someone's life. Some would gain political power, or fame, and spread their evil. The names of these people are not know since they hide themselves well, but it is possible that their influence has already worked it's way into your neighborhood. The first human that was inflicted by the Dark ones power was turned immortal for his services, and fancied himself a Dark lord.
This one has caused so many to suffer, and die over the thousands of years he has stayed on this earth. Once he traveled from place to place, but now even he has begun to feel the tug of time. He hid himself in the shadows, and now depends on his many servants to do his bidding. While he may be getting old his power is still one to reckon with, and it would take many of the chosen just to challenge him in battle. As the Dark ones come closer and closer to entering this world his inner strength increases, but his body has become old, and wrinkled. His eyes were every where, always searching for the ones that would make his masters arrival to this world difficult.
Those that would be a danger to himself, or those that gave him his powers where eliminated. He was ruthless in doing so, and didn't care what he had to do to get the job done. He would kill an innocent without a second thought, and really didn't care if these "chosen" that he was seeking where real or not. The dark lord as he thought of him self loved the smell of fear, and death brought him great joy. He would target the "chosen" no matter their age, or even how little of a chance they where really "chosen". Only one thing haunted his twisted dreams, and filled his visions with fear for his own life. The One, those gleaming eyes fated to meet his own, and then the battle would begin.
It was a cold and bitter winter day, and Sammy was grateful to get back inside with his mother. They had been shopping, and his mom was pulling along two hover carts brimming with groceries. This had been a great day, and Sammy had gotten a book to read, and a new jacket that was covered with pockets. After the carts had been emptied they left under their own power back to the stores that they had been picked up at. Only to be hindered at first by Thomas, his small tabby that batted at the leaving carts. Sammy picked up Thomas to let the carts leave, and walked to the big window.
Sammy had blonde hair, green eyes, and he always seemed to be smiling for one reason or another. There wasn't much to smile about after his dad was killed three day's before his eighth birthday, but Sammy was young. He still found pleasure in the small things like watching the vid-screen, and reading books. Whenever he got sad, or started thinking about his father he would sit by the window and watch what was going on out side for hours and hours. He got so caught up in everybody else's life that his problems seemed a lot less intense. This was one of these days; his thoughts had wondered off to the times his father had been home.
His father had a warm smile, and usually a sweaty tang smell from working one of the local spice plants. He would come home with a smile on his face much like Sam's, but his eyes where dull, and worn from a long day. When he got home his face would be fuzzy where his beard had started growing in over the day. He would give Sam's mother a kiss, hug Sammy, and flop down into the big chair by the window. And, wouldn't get back up unless Sammy would plead for what seemed like forever to play a game.
Sammy was good at games especially guessing games, and rarely got a wrong answer. He was extremely lucky when it came to games of chance, and his father would only win a game when Sam let him win. He never told his father this, and he did't want to tell his mother that he thought he was different. She belonged to a strict church, and dragged Sammy along every Sunday. This church didn't believe in people that where different, or even pretend that any thing but the norm was acceptable. Of course Sammy knew better than most that nobody was normal, and didn't like the way his preacher treated people.
He looked out the window now, and watched the busy people down below. They where so worried about their own lives they barely noticed the people they where walking past, or sometimes into. There wasn't much going on, and Sammy was getting ready to turn on the vid-screen. It was late afternoon, and there was a good chance that something good was on. Then he saw her. If Sammy wasn' as lucky as he clearly was he would have never seen her because the clothes she wore blended into the building. She was a young girl, older than Sammy, and was walking out onto the ledge of the opposing building. She had some kind of weapon it looked like a big tube with a trigger.
Sammy had seen a gun before because when he was really little his dad had brought one home. His mom kept one in her room now that dad was gone, but she thought Sammy didn't know about it. She wanted to protect Sammy with it, and he could tell that she was worried he would find it. He had never seen a gun like the young girl had, and he didn't like the looks of it at all. A hover bike swept past his window, and the young girl took aim. As the ball of roaring red flame swept towards the unawares pilot only Sammy saw what was going to happen.
"NO!" he screamed at the top of his lunges.
Thomas struggled out of Sammy's grip, and ran into the other room. His mother stopped what ever it was she was doing in the kitchen, and came to check on Sammy.
"No" he said again this time quieter, but with more force.
The bolt of flame suddenly fell off it's original path as if by magic, and went down towards the building they where in.
"Who are you talking to Sammy?" his mom asked a little worried about her son.
Sammy didn't hear her. He screamed. Then the bolt hit, and the floor they where standing on caved in.